
Here's various buttons I've picked up.
Never really went out of my way for them,
but they accumulate. Enjoy!

Hard Rock America Christmas 1993

Paris 4th Anniversary

A mixed bunch of "No Drugs or Nuclear Weapons Allowed

Specific location buttons

3 more city specific

STP - Love all serve all

5 special occasion, including
2 versions of the 25th Anniversary

Flamed 25th Anniversary

World cup 1994

Canada Christmas 1994

Bangkok. An e-bay purchase

Ask me!!

Amsterdam 1999 P.I.N. meet
Cafe was too small for the 100+ people

3, including LA 1994, one of my
first pins ever

Various STP's....the one on the left appears fairly old

Another variation, and one from Paris

Some pins may still be in original wrappers, so scans may be fuzzy!
